
Creating Space

Creating Space

‘As above so below, as within so without.’ - The Kybalion

That’s what comes to me when I look at this picture, not seeing the head above the water but what’s beneath the surface. Feldenkrais taught that it doesn’t matter which part you pay attention to - each part it is a reflection of the whole. And in the case of creating space, the act of making space for the class in your weekly schedule, for the recording in case you are not available for the class, creating the space in your home in which to practise, taking the space within your family construct. Allowing yourself to take your space on the floor, and within the class. In so many ways this reflects back to ourselves, inwards to outwards, within without how we make space within our whole being. And how comfortable are we when there is a space. When there is enough space to feel.

Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

It's been a while since I've been writing publicly.  Sometimes the silences in between need a little longer than you planned.  Sometimes there is more dust to settle.  And sometimes the storm keeps going, nothing settles, and there is no form to hold onto.  Sometimes you realise you can let the form go entirely, and gradually something completely new begins to emerge.  That process needs it's space.  It happens both at glacial speed and lightning fast.  Before you know it the world looks different, and you look different to the world.


There have been many before and after watershed moments in my life, and this blog represents one of them.  Not one that involves death or relationships.. and yet one that involves both death and relationships.  To allow for a rebirth there had to be a death of the old.  To find new life I had to redefine my relationship with myself...  I'd like to introduce you to Version 457835!

A New year Message from Me to You

I have been really blown away by how many people have been listening to my recordings over the last few months, form all corners of the world.. I have been receiving messages from people who have been affected or inspired or moved by them in all different ways.  So I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you…

Elite Tennis Magazine- Body Equilibrium

Elite Tennis Magazine- Body Equilibrium

Body Intelligence

As players push themselves and each other to ever increasing levels of physical abilities, they also increasingly push themselves to and beyond their limits.   More and more players are breaking down under the strain.   This becomes a dangerous trend particularly if we perceive the increasing level of injuries as the new norm, or just part and parcel of the game.  If instead we take it as a sign to look at the problem in a different way, it could be the beginning of a different approach to training, where players train smarter not harder.  


It is my belief that players can’t just push themselves continually through training. That eventually will lead to breakdown.  Something is missing in the way most players are training, and that is sensory body awareness.  The incredible demands that players have to face during matches require them to be faster, stronger, fitter, and to go beyond pain or discomfort.  If training also pushes them beyond their limits, they start to lose touch with themselves and lose their ability to manage themselves. In other words, push hard enough for long enough and performance, ability to adapt, ability to recover, as well as enjoyment will start to go backwards. This is burnout....

Don't Be So Sure

One of the most powerful ways to open yourself to be able to learn, is to be able to say, ‘I don’t know’.

In a learning situation- you don’t have to know the answer, not as a student, nor as a teacher or a parent.  It’s important to realise that once you have the answer- the learning stops.  Once you have achieved it, there’s nowhere to go.  Take time to be in the in-between place.  Sit on the fence a bit longer.  In that space of exploration is the most fertile ground....

The London Riots, Self-Respect & Moshe Feldenkrais

The riots and destruction in London and other parts of England over the last week has got me to think about what causes this kind of mentality in society and in the individual. and what we can do about it, as I think many many people were asking themselves this week.  It is particularly the kids as young as 11 caught up in the violence which seems to shock people the most.  I can’t help but wonder if what I have chosen to do- Feldenkrais- is helpless in the face of this scale of breakdown in society....